Friday, 30 September 2016

It was great to be back today!

As fun as our 3 day Specialist High Skills Major Certification camp was, it is nice to be back.  All the work the students completed over the week with the supply teacher could be tested on our quiz next week.  We are accepting the graphs for assessment.

Today we started the predator prey lab.  This is a complicated lab, but most groups were able to follow the instructions and get some good data!  We will continue working on the lab on Monday.

There is a Mass during our class next Wednesday, and don't forget about the PD day next Friday.  have a great weekend.  Mr.M.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Wild Canada!

The students viewed a portion of an excellent nature video in class today.  The Nature of Things "Wild Canada" episode 3 showcased our amazing Prarie and Boreal Forest ecosystems and how they have evolved over the years.  The notes we took in class are very important for review prior to the next quiz.

The food footprint concept and graphing assignment should be continued at home tonight.  I can not promise any additional time tomorrow during class.

I will be camping with our Environmental Science class Tuesday to Thursday this week.  This is an amazing course and one I hope our present grade 9's consider for grade 11.  We will be learning all about forestry and will receive valuable industry certifications in canoeing, hiking and navigation.  I will not be able to update the blog during this time.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Carp Fair!

Hi Parents!

I realized that we has some extra space on the bus for the Carp Fair.  This is an annual trip I do with my grade 11 Environmental Science students.  Rather than have some wasted seats on the bus, I held a name draw to fairly select 10 students from our period 1 science class.  Obviously, this is not ideal, as I would like to have taken all 34 students, but this simply was not possible.

I hope the 10 lucky scientists are able to make it tomorrow.  There is no cost for this trip.  Thanks.



We are off and running with our Ecosystems Unit.  The students were outside yesterday beginning our Unit.  We were making observations and connections to the terminology we are learning.  Science is always engaging outside!

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Next up...Ecosystems!

With the Unit tests now being completed for our Safety and Scientific Method Unit, we will start our Ecosystems Unit.  Here is an intro video that we will be viewing to kick things off.

Ecosystems Intro Video

Monday, 19 September 2016

Unit Test Tomorrow!

We finished up the burning candle lab and we will have our Unit test tomorrow.  Students should be reviewing the following...
- Graphing
- Lab Safety
- Variables
- Observations
- Safety symbols and key locations in the lab
- The Scientific Method

**All students should now have an online access code to help them study from home via the online textbook.**

Have a great night!

Friday, 16 September 2016

The Burning Candle Lab!

One of the best labs for data collection was completed today in class.  The burning candle lab was done really well, and the students had another opportunity to refine those graphing skills.  We will be completing the write up on Monday.  Students are reminded that the graphing assignment that was handed out yesterday will be discussed on Monday.

Our first Unit test will be next week and will likely be on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Have an amazing weekend!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Drops on a Penny Graphing

Today we worked on our graphs for the penny lab.  Most students completed the lab and are now onto our next graphing activity.  For homework, the students should be completing the skateboarding graphing assignment.  Our focus is on learning all about controlled and measured variables and how to present data in graphical form. Have a great evening!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Big water bubbles from the penny lab!

Please note that is Mr. Ferguson our new Practice Teacher!  Mr. M. has much more hair!


We are now just completing our Observation Lab!  The students should know all about Qualitative and Quantitative Observations, as well as what an Inference is.  The Specimen lab was a lot of fun.

The "Drops on a penny Lab" will be a great opportunity for us to start learning about controlled and measured variables, as well as some basic graphing techniques.  So far, some great inquiry and scientific skills have been demonstrated by most students.  Mr. M.

Friday, 9 September 2016

A great first week!

We finished up week 1 with our safety quiz. Looks like everyone did well and we can now start some introductory labs on Monday. Next week we will be looking at variables, observations and the scientific method. Have a wonderful weekend. Mr. M.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Science Strands and Safety

Another great morning!  Both classes are now well on their way to getting into the "real" science next week.  We are completing some safety lessons, and the first assignments look exceptional! There are a few who still have not submitted their work, we look forward to seeing them tomorrow!  A stunning example of of a level 4+++ can be seen below.  Well done Jen!

We will also complete our safety quiz tomorrow.  Not too much study is required, perhaps just a little 5 minute review of what we have been doing in class.  This is a good routine to get established, and it will serve you well in the remainder of the course.  Happy Thursday Night!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

What is Science?

Hi Parents,

Thank you to all the parents who are on top of all the paperwork; this is much appreciated.  All students should have brought home the following forms to be signed (Technology, Information and a Student Verification Form).  It is also useful to you to have printed off the course info form directly from this blogs first post.  The activity fee of 20$ is also very much appreciated.

Both classes are now well into our introductory Scientific Method Unit.  Students are learning about the process of science and what Strands or Units we will be covering this year. The title page assignments will be collected for grading tomorrow. We will be beginning our discussion on Lab Safety tomorrow as well.

If your son or daughter, or any of their High School Friends, are interested in learning more about our HS Non Contact Hockey team, then they should come see me.  We look forward to another outstanding season of Eagle's Hockey starting real soon!


Tuesday, 6 September 2016

First day of school!

Hi Parents and Students,

Today was a very good first day of school for the year!  It was a pleasure to meet all the new students and to get talking Science.  Today, especially for our 9D class first period, we took care of a lot of the first day logistics of high school.  By now, all students should have a locker and the tools they need for success in Science.  Suggested items (tools) could include a 1 inch binder, pencil, blue pen, red pen and ruler. As discussed in class, additional items could include graph paper and a graph paper lab book; these are only suggestions and not mandatory.  We can always help a student obtain the items they need for success.

Our 9P class got right into a discussion of "What is Science?" and we should be prepared to continue that tomorrow.  Both classes will begin our introductory safety sessions, and our Scientific Method Unit tomorrow.

Parents, please check the link at the bottom of the first blog post.  This is our course general course description.  This will give you an idea of what we are planning to study this year.

Have a great evening!  Mr.M.