Tuesday, 6 September 2016

First day of school!

Hi Parents and Students,

Today was a very good first day of school for the year!  It was a pleasure to meet all the new students and to get talking Science.  Today, especially for our 9D class first period, we took care of a lot of the first day logistics of high school.  By now, all students should have a locker and the tools they need for success in Science.  Suggested items (tools) could include a 1 inch binder, pencil, blue pen, red pen and ruler. As discussed in class, additional items could include graph paper and a graph paper lab book; these are only suggestions and not mandatory.  We can always help a student obtain the items they need for success.

Our 9P class got right into a discussion of "What is Science?" and we should be prepared to continue that tomorrow.  Both classes will begin our introductory safety sessions, and our Scientific Method Unit tomorrow.

Parents, please check the link at the bottom of the first blog post.  This is our course general course description.  This will give you an idea of what we are planning to study this year.

Have a great evening!  Mr.M.